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New Coupon Code Email Binding: Revolutionizing Fraud Prevention for Shopify Clients

We are proud to introduce a transformative update to referral coupon codes aimed at significantly enhancing fraud prevention for our Shopify clients. Coupon misuse might be a challenge for clients who are concerned about instances of promotional codes being shared unauthorizedly. To a...
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Enhanced Customization in Performance Reports with New Metrics Feature

We are excited to announce a significant update to our Performance Reports that will greatly enhance your ability to customize and analyze data. Recognizing the limitations of our previous fixed metrics system, we have now introduced a new feature aimed at increasing flexibility and u...
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Enhanced Shopify Purchase Source Tracking

We understand the importance of knowing where purchases originate, especially when managing both online and point-of-sale (POS) transactions. Previously, there was no way to track the “source” of a purchase within Shopify’s Purchase Syncing webhook payload, making it dif...
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Rewards Report: AD / FR Email Columns

Our clients expressed the need for more detailed visibility into the Rewards Report, specifically regarding Friends who have received a referral code but have not yet made a purchase, as well as more comprehensive tracking of rewards and their statuses. To address these client request...
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Enhanced Monitoring for Shopify ‘Allocation Method’ Attribute

Unintended changes to the ‘Allocation Method’ attribute in Shopify have been identified as a potential risk that unintended changes to the ‘Allocation Method’ attribute in Shopify caused coupon codes to apply discounts to each cart item individually, rather tha...
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