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Enhancements to Performance by Channel Report

Product version



2 years ago

We’re excited to announce a few key updates to our Performance by Channel report, designed to provide you with a more accurate and cohesive view of your data.


  1. Referral Sales Data Consistency: The Referral Sales data displayed in the Performance by Channel report now matches the data from the MAR (Metrics Aggregation Report) for consistency and accuracy.
  2. Added Event_Categories Filter: You can now use the new ‘event_categories’ filter to segment your data for more granular analysis.
  3. Renamed Tables for Clarity: To provide clearer insights and better alignment with your marketing objectives, we’ve renamed several tables as follows:
    • “Friend Purchases” is now “Friend Referrals”
    • “New Sales” is now “Friend Referrals”
    • “Sales per Site Visit” is now “Referrals per Site Visit”
    • “Sales by Channel” is now “Referrals by Channel”
    • “Referral Sales” is now “Friend Referral Sales”
    • “Total Sales” is now “Friend Referral Sales”
    • “Sales by Channel” is now “Referral Sales by Channel”
  4. Links to MAR with Filters: We’ve added direct links to MAR from the Performance by Channel report, complete with appropriate filters. This makes it easier to match and compare numbers between reports.


Posted 2 years ago

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