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Introduction of HTML & CSS Template Partials

Product version



9 months ago

Our campaign templates, comprising extensive HTML and CSS (Liquid), have become significantly large, making them challenging to manage and update. Incremental changes, like adding new features are particularly difficult to implement in existing campaigns due to the size and complexity of these templates.


  • Implementation of Template Partials: To streamline template management, we’ve adopted the standard Liquid approach with the render Liquid tag. This allows for breaking down the large theme file into smaller, manageable parts known as partials.
  • ViewSetup as a Container: This feature will function as a container that can hold multiple or zero partials, defining their configuration and context (variables).
  • Flexibility in Template Modification: Existing campaigns will not be automatically split into partials, but users will have the option to add new partials. This change enables the manual division of large templates into smaller segments post-release.
  • Future Default Campaign Update: The default campaign will be divided into partials as a separate, forthcoming task.

This update marks a significant improvement in how campaign templates are managed and customized, aligning with best practices in web development.


Posted 9 months ago

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