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New Filters in the Coupon List Report

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1 year ago

We are pleased to announce a significant enhancement to the Coupon List Report in Talkable. We have addressed a common user request by adding the ability to filter coupon codes by their Issued Date. Additionally, we’ve introduced a new column, “Last Used At,” to provide more comprehensive information about coupon usage.

Key Features and Improvements:

  1. Filter by Issued Date: With this enhancement, you can now filter coupon codes based on the date they were issued. This feature allows you to narrow down your search and analyze coupon usage over specific time periods.
  2. Last Used At Column: We have added a new column, “Last Used At,” to the Coupon List Report. This column displays the timestamp of when each coupon was last used. This information is valuable for tracking the activity and effectiveness of individual coupons.
  3. Filter by Expiration Date: You now have the ability to filter coupon codes based on their specific expiration date if they have it. This feature is essential for managing campaigns with codes that have different expiration dates, helping you keep track of when each code is set to expire.
  4. Filter by Created Date: We’ve improved “Created” filter so you can filter the codes by creation date for cases where you have a list of codes uploaded at different times.  This feature simplifies the process of managing codes with varying creation dates.

We believe that these additions will significantly improve your ability to manage and analyze coupon codes within Talkable.


Posted 1 year ago

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