What’s New

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Shopify Reset Integration Button

We’re excited to announce a new functionality aimed at improving the management of our automatic Shopify integration – the “Refresh Integration” button. This feature allows for a quick refresh of the automatic integration with Shopify stores. It addresses and resol...
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Introduction of Event Category Field in Advocate Sales Metrics

We’ve now added a new field to the Advocate Sales Metric, allowing for the customization of the event category. The “Create/Edit Referral Advocate Sales Metric” page has been enhanced with an additional filter for event category selection. This update allows users to...
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HTML & CSS Editor Improvements

We are thrilled to announce a significant improvement to our HTML & CSS Editor within Talkable. We have replaced the previous editor with the state-of-the-art Monaco Editor, which comes with several enhancements to provide you with a better coding experience. The Monaco Editor is ...
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Custom Symbol Support in Coupon Codes

Problem: Previously, our system’s coupon code validation was limited to specific characters: letters, digits, and a predefined set of symbols (/, -, ., %, :, *, #, +, @, &). This constraint posed challenges for users requiring more diverse symbol options in their coupon cod...
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New Filters in the Coupon List Report

We are pleased to announce a significant enhancement to the Coupon List Report in Talkable. We have addressed a common user request by adding the ability to filter coupon codes by their Issued Date. Additionally, we’ve introduced a new column, “Last Used At,” to prov...
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Showing posts 46–50 of 125