What’s New

Stay updated on the latest new features, improvements, and product updates.


Site Level Bookmarks

We are excited to announce a new update to our platform that will help you better manage your bookmarks and improve your reporting capabilities. Previously, all bookmarks were available on the account level, which meant that if you created a bookmark on one of your sites, it would app...
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New Metrics Added to the Metrics Aggregation Report

We are thrilled to announce that Talkable has added a new set of metrics to help you better understand the financial impact of your referral campaigns. We have added Platform Expenses Metrics for all clients, which can be found in the Metrics Aggregation Report. The new metrics includ...
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Android SDK Demo App Updates

As a part of our ongoing commitment to provide our customers with the best experience, we are pleased to announce an update to our Android SDK demo app. We have reworked the code and now it is possible to provide an API Key, Site Slug and Campaign Tags dynamically when using the demo...
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Multiple Rewards for Sharing Incentive

Today, we’re excited to announce a new improvement to our Talkable product: the ability to reward an advocate multiple times for one Sharing Incentive! With this new feature, you now have the ability to set up Advanced criteria depending on your needs. For example: reward an advocat...
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Localization Import Tool

  Welcome to the newest feature of Talkable – the Localization Import! We understand the importance of supporting multiple languages and countries, and with this new feature, you can now easily update the text and copy in different languages. The Localization Import allows ...
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