Home >> Product Updates >> v11.7.3 SHOPIFY PURCHASE SYNCING


Product version



3 years ago


Purchase Syncing is a feature for Shopify customers integrated with the Talkable extension.

It allows automatic purchase synchronization from Shopify instead of (or additionally to) passing purchases with Talkable JavaScript integration from a browser.


  1. It’s a more secure way to pass purchase information to Talkable without any additional actions needed other than authorizing the Talkable extension for your store.
  2. It ensures that all purchases made in your store will be registered in Talkable, too (even in cases where a purchase was not registered from a browser with our standard JavaScript integration).
  3. It notifies our Integration team if the purchase data registered with the JavaScript integration on Talkable and Shopify differs.


It works as a server-to-server integration between Shopify and Talkable using the Shopify orders/create webhook.

When enabling Purchase Syncing, Talkable creates and subscribes a webhook to these orders/creates from the customer’s Shopify store.

When disabling the setting, the webhook and the subscription are deleted.

Each time a purchase is placed on a customer’s store, Shopify triggers the webhook, and Talkable registers the purchase with attributes sent in the webhook’s payload.

You can find Shopify Webhook payload and Talkable Purchase attributes mapping here.

Go to the Shopify Integration page (Settings → Shopify Integration) to access this setting.

Purchase Syncing requires new additional permission in order to work (reading orders from the Shopify store with the webhook). If you want to use this feature, you should update the Talkable permissions as shown on this screen at the “Shopify Integration” page (Settings -> Shopify Integration)


There are no changes in the Post-Purchase campaigns integration setup; it works as before and requires registering purchases from the javascript integration.

A more detailed explanation of the interaction between JavaScript purchase registering and Purchase Syncing can be found here:

Please check the instructions here.

NOTE: Purchase Syncing currently is only supported for Shopify customers with default Talkable integration. It means that the Order Number for Purchase, registered with JavaScript integration, should be equal to the Shopify Purchase ID (not Shopify Purchase Order Number).

For customers who have modified integration and use Shopify Order Number as Talkable Purchase Order Number attribute, this will lead to double purchases registering.

But no worries, this will be covered in the next release.

Stay tuned!


Posted 3 years ago

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