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Visit Tracking Improvement

Product version



2 years ago

We are excited to announce an improvement in visit tracking within Talkable. Previously, visits were only tracked when a user clicked on the CTA or close button on the Claim Page. However, with this update, we have made enhancements to retrospectively track visits if a referral event is received from our integration, even if the visit was not tracked before. This means that if a user has visited the site without clicking on the CTA or close button, the visit will now be counted in the metrics.

This update will have an impact on the following metrics:

  1. Site Visits: The total number of visits to your site will now be more accurate as visits that were not previously tracked will be retrospectively included in the count.
  2. Site Visits unique: The count of unique visits to your site will also be more comprehensive, as previously untracked visits will now be included in this metric.
  3. First time Site Visits: The count of first-time visits to your site will also be improved with this update, as visits that were not previously tracked will now be considered in identifying first-time visitors.

We believe that this improvement in visit tracking will provide more accurate and comprehensive insights into the performance of your referral campaigns, allowing you to make data-driven decisions and optimize your referral program for success.


Posted 2 years ago

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